Everything You Must Know About Ethylene Producing Fruits?

Are you aware that there are fruits and vegetables that you should not store together? What are those? We’ll find out in this article. Keep reading!

Do all fruits give off Ethylene? Most fruits produce ethylene gas, which helps ripen fruit and promotes plant growth. But there are some fruits that don’t produce much or any ethylene. And some fruits are sensitive to ethylene gas.

The ethylene gas is produced naturally by many fruits during the ripening process. For example, apples are exposed to ethylene gas while they are stored in cold storage warehouses.

During this period, the apples begin to soften and turn brown. Apples are also exposed to ethylene gas when they are packed into boxes and shipped to grocery stores.

In addition to speeding up the ripening process, ethylene gas also helps prevent spoilage. Fruit growers place ethylene generators near packing area because it prevents mold growth on the surface of the fruit.

What is Ethylene Gas?

Ethylene Producing Fruits

Ethylene gas is a natural substance produced by plants. It is used to accelerate fruit ripening and soften fruits. This process is called ethylene induction.

Effects of Ethylene Gas And Fruit Ripening

Ethylene gas is a natural plant hormone that plays a role in many important processes within plants. In fact, ethylene gas is one of the most common hormones found in nature. Plants produce ethylene gas during certain stages of their life cycle, such as flowering, fruiting, and aging.

The process of fruit ripening involves changes in color, texture, flavor, and aroma. These changes are triggered by ethylene gas, which causes cells to swell and become softer. This allows the fruit to expand and burst open.

As the fruit continues to age, the amount of ethylene gas increases, causing the fruit to soften further. When the fruit reaches maturity, the ethylene levels drop dramatically.

In addition to triggering fruit ripening, ethylene gas is also involved in several other important biological processes. For example, ethylene gas helps seeds germinate and promotes the formation of roots and stems.

Ethylene gas also stimulates the production of chlorophyll, which enables leaves to photosynthesize.

Plants Produce Ethylene Naturally

Ethylene Produce Naturally

Some fruits and vegetables release ethylene naturally. This happens when the plant needs to grow faster than normal. For example, tomatoes start producing ethylene when they begin to develop flower buds.

As soon as the buds open, the tomato starts to put out more ethylene. If you don’t want your tomato to stop growing, cut off the stem just above where the bud is located.

You’ll slow down the process and prevent the plant from putting out too much ethylene.

Some Fruits And Veggies Release Extra Ethylene

If you’re growing strawberries, you might notice that some of your berries turn red even though there’s no sun around. This is because strawberries produce ethylene naturally. When the weather gets warmer, the strawberry releases more ethylene. To avoid this problem, keep your strawberries in a cool place during warm months.

There Are Ways To Control The Amount of Ethylene Produced

There are ways to control the level of ethylene produced by certain fruits and vegetables. One way is to use a lightbox. A light box emits ultraviolet rays that kill bacteria and fungi.

These organisms cause ethylene production. By exposing your plants to UV radiation, you can reduce the amount of ethylene they produce.

Another method involves planting different varieties of crops together. Crops like cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, melons, and squash release less ethylene when grown near each other. So if you’re trying to grow a lot of these types of crops, try planting them close together.

Ethylene Producing Fruits

Fruits Producing Ethylene

Plants produce ethylene gas naturally during photosynthesis. This chemical helps regulate plant growth and development. There are enzymes that convert starch into sugars, which creates ethylene gas in some fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Melons
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Pineapples

Ethylene Sensitive Foods

Ethylene is produced by plants while they are maturing or ripening. This causes the plant’s growth to slow down and produces an aroma similar in smell to ripe fruit. Some fruits and vegetables are very sensitive to ethylene. They include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplants
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Winter Squash
  • Summer Squash
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Chives
  • Thyme
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Bay Leaves
  • Shallot
  • Radishes
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Nutmeg
  • Cardamom
  • Vanilla Beans
  • Green Beans
  • Green Peas
  • Lettuce
  • Papayas
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Watermelon

Decreasing Spoilage: The Basics

Decreasing Spoilage of Foods

Produce should be kept at a cool room temperature between 40° F and 85° F. If you are storing produce in the refrigerator, make sure it is stored on the bottom shelf. This keeps the produce from touching the cold walls of the fridge.

Store produce in an area where it has good air circulation. You don’t want to store produce in a dark place because this causes it to lose moisture and become soft.

Keep produce away from other foods such as onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, etc., that will cause it to spoil faster. These foods contain enzymes that break down cell walls and allow bacteria to grow.

How To Prevent Food Spoilage

Food spoiling is one of the most common problems faced by people around the world. From the moment you buy it, you want to eat it immediately. But what happens when you do not have enough space in your refrigerator to keep everything fresh?

Or maybe you just forgot about some ingredients and now they are starting to rot? In such situations, you need to know how to prevent food spoilage and save your food.

Here are some tips to help you out:

1. Keep Your Refrigerator Clean

The best way to avoid food spoilage is to keep your fridge clean. You should always wash the shelves and the door regularly. If possible, use a dishwasher to make sure that no bacteria get into the refrigerator. Also, try to separate different foods like meat, dairy products, and veggies. This helps to reduce cross-contamination.

2. Use A Freezer

If you do not have a freezer, you can still preserve your food. Make sure that you wrap each item individually and put it in a bag. Then place the bags inside the freezer. Once frozen, transfer them to a container and label them clearly.

3. Store Vegetables And Fruits Separately

When you store vegetables and fruits separately, you can easily tell which ones are ripe or ready to eat. For example, if you store bananas together with apples, you cannot tell whether the banana is ripe or not until you peel off the skin. However, if you store them separately, you can see right away whether the banana is ripe.

4. Do Not Overpack Your Fridge

Overpacking your fridge may lead to food spoilage. When you pack too much food in your fridge, there is less room for air. This makes the temperature rise quickly. As a result, the food starts rotting. So, make sure that you only pack the amount of food that you plan on eating within a week.

5. Check The Expiration Date On Packages

You must check the expiration date on all packages before storing them in your fridge. If you forget to do so, you will end up wasting money as well as food.

How Is Ethylene Measured?

Gas chromatography measures ethylene concentrations in a gaseous form. Measuring ethylene levels is done by inserting a small needle into the core cavity and withdrawing a gas sample. There are two ways to do this:

Non-Destructive Method – A needle is inserted into the core cavity of a piece of fruit and a gas sample is taken.

Destructive Method – A small needle is inserted into the center of a piece of fruit, releasing a gas mixture into the air. This method is destructive, causing damage to the fruit.

Ethylene is one of many volatile compounds found in apples. It plays a role in ripening fruit and is responsible for making apples smell like apples.

The Impact of Ethylene On Other Veggies And Fruits

Impact of Ethylene On Other Fruits

Ethylene is an important hormone in plants that controls the ripening process. This chemical plays a role in fruit ripening, flower development, seed germination, and plant growth.

Ethylene is produced naturally by plants during photosynthesis. During the day, sunlight converts carbon dioxide into sugar molecules, which are used to produce energy.

In the evening, the sun goes down and the amount of light decreases. As a result, the number of sugar drops. At night, the plant uses stored sugars to make starch, which is converted into sugar again the next day.

When the plant produces ethylene, it does so because it needs to prepare itself for the upcoming night. Ethylene helps regulate the ripening process, which is why you see bananas getting ripe overnight. If the banana doesn’t ripen properly, it won’t taste good.

The same thing happens with apples. Apples don’t ripen very well without ethylene. Without ethylene, the apple stays green and unripe. However, once the apple gets enough ethylene, it starts to change its color and softens up.

In addition to regulating the ripening process, ethylene also affects the color of fruits and vegetables. For example, tomatoes get redder when exposed to ethylene.

On the other hand, strawberries become paler when exposed to ethylene, which makes them look like they’re about to go rotten.


Fruits produce ethylene gas during ripening. This gas helps soften fruit cells and makes it easier to eat. But too much ethylene gas can cause some fruits to spoil faster.

The amount of ethylene gas produced depends on the type of fruit. Some types of fruit produce less ethylene gas than others. The guides and tips we discussed above are the several things you can do to help keep your fruit from spoiling too quickly.

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