What To Do With Leftover Mashed Potatoes?

what to do with leftover mashed potatoes

It’s inevitable.

You make a big batch of mashed potatoes for dinner, and there are always leftovers.

So what can you do with all that extra spud?

Here are a few ideas that I’ve gathered for you on the topic of what to do with leftover mashed potatoes.

Let’s check them out.

Make Mashed Potato Pancakes

Making mashed potato pancakes is a great way to get rid of leftover mash.

You can use either boiled or baked potatoes for this, and the recipe is real simple: Just mix 1 cup of leftover mashed potatoes with one egg, ½ tsp baking powder, a pinch each of salt and pepper, and 1 tbsp all-purpose flour.

Form five patties out of the mixture and pan-fry in a little oil until crispy and brown on both sides.

You can serve these with some sour cream, ketchup, sriracha sauce, or anything you like.

Make Mashed Potato Bombs

If you’re looking for something a little heartier than pancakes (or if you happen to be an adventurous eater), then why not try mashed potato bombs?

They’re basically deep-fried mashed potato balls, and they’re perfect for kids’ parties.

To make them, mix up some leftover mash with an egg and a little flour until you get the consistency of dough (you may need to add more flour).

Roll small pieces of this mixture into ball shapes and deep-fry them.

They’re really tasty dipped in ketchup, and you can make them as big or as small as you like – experiment around with different sizes for different tastes.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czj3YVNZxGU[/embedyt]

Make Hashbrowns

Another quick idea on what to do with leftover mashed potatoes.

If you want to go the savory route and avoid frying (or if you need a healthier option), then why not make some hashbrowns with your leftover taters?

You’ll need two cups of chopped, peeled potatoes (either raw or already boiled) and 1 tbsp all-purpose flour.

Heat 3 tbsp oil in a frying pan over medium heat and cook the potatoes with the flour for about five minutes.

Then, transfer them to an oven-safe dish and bake them for about 20 minutes at 400°F.

Alternatively, you can cook these on the stovetop if you haven’t got an oven; just heat 2 tbsp oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat and fry the hashbrowns on both sides until golden brown (about 5 minutes per side).

Make Potato Pancakes

This last idea is another savory way to use leftover potatoes, but you can add other flavors if you wish (bacon bits, onions, etc.).

All you have to do is peel and grate 4 potatoes, then squeeze all the excess water out.

Mix in some egg, salt, pepper, and a little bit of flour until it’s dough-like.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan over medium heat and place spoonfuls of the mixture into the hot oil.

Cook for about 3 minutes on each side, or until they’re golden brown.

Make Baked Potato Soup

This is a little different from the usual options but it’s really tasty and easy to make with leftover mashed potatoes.

To make this soup you’ll need 2 cups of potato (either raw or already boiled), 1 cup chopped onion, ½ cup chopped celery, 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth (or water and bouillon cubes), and some salt and pepper.

Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan over medium heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes are soft.

Then puree it until smooth with a hand blender, add more salt if needed, and serve topped with some extra grated cheese.

Make Potato Leek Rolls

Potatoes make an excellent pastry substitute, and these potato leek rolls are a great way to use them up (or try out the idea with different fillings).

To make them, start by cooking one potato in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then drain it and mash it with a fork.

Add some chopped green onion, salt, pepper, and nutmeg to this mixture, then mix in 2 cups of flour until you get a dough-like consistency.

Roll the dough into long strands on a floured surface (about ½ inch thick), spread them out with your hands so they look like rope, and top with 1 tbsp of butter.

Roll the strands up into leek-filled rolls, tucking in the exposed dough, and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake at 350°F for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Make Shepherd’s Pie

This is a classic and delicious meal that’s really easy to make with leftover mashed potatoes.

First, brown 1 lb of ground beef in a large saucepan over medium-high heat (season it with salt, pepper, and any other spices you like).

You can use pre-cooked meat if you wish; just add the raw meat when there are about 5 minutes left.

Mix in 2 cups of leftover mashed potatoes, 3 tbsp butter, and 1 cup of milk or cream.

Stir until everything has heated through evenly, pour it into a baking dish, top with 1 cup grated cheddar cheese, and bake for 20 minutes at 350°F.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_GNznvIN1E[/embedyt]

Make Potato Waffles

This is a fun twist on classic waffles – and it’s another way to use up leftover mashed potatoes.

Just mix 2 cups of grated potato with 1 cup of flour, 1 tsp salt, ¼ tsp pepper, and 1 beaten egg.

Then add some milk or cream until you get batter-like consistency.

Cook in a hot waffle iron until they’re crisp and golden brown, then serve them with your favorite toppings (butter and syrup are a classic).

Make Mashed Potato Biscuits

This is something that takes a little more time to prepare but the result is so tasty.

It’s definitely worth the effort if you’re still scratching your head about what to do with leftover mashed potatoes.

You’ll need 2 cups of raw potato, 1 cup of all-purpose flour, 1 tbsp baking powder, ¼ tsp pepper (or more to taste), ½ tsp salt (or less to taste), 2 tbsp of butter, ½ cup of milk or cream, and some cooking oil.

Wash the potatoes then place them in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

Drain them, reserving some of the cooking water, and mash them with a fork.

Add the butter to the mashed potato and mash again until it’s well mixed in.

Stir in 4 tbsp of flour (adding more if needed) so you get a dough-like consistency.

Add the milk or cream slowly while stirring until you get batter-like consistency.

Add the salt, pepper, and baking powder to this mixture, then mix in another 2 tbsp of flour so it’s no longer sticky (adding more if needed).

Stir again until you have a smooth dough, then roll out onto a floured surface into a ½ inch thick layer.

Cut out biscuit-sized rounds with a cookie cutter, then transfer these to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Brush the tops of each round with cooking oil, and cook for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 400°F. (source)

Make Potatoes Au Gratin

This is a simple dish that makes good use of potatoes and cheese.

Start by slicing 2 lbs waxy or all-purpose potatoes into thin rounds, then layer half the slices in an ovenproof dish that’s been greased with oil or butter.

Sprinkle some salt, pepper, nutmeg, and thyme over this layer (as much as you like), then top with ¾ cup of grated cheddar cheese and repeat the layering process – finishing off with a layer of cheese.

Sprinkle the top with breadcrumbs, cover tightly with aluminum foil, and bake for 45 minutes at 350°F.

Then uncover and cook for another 20 minutes, until the potatoes are browned and crispy on top.

Freeze the Leftovers

If you don’t feel like eating the same thing again for dinner tomorrow, consider freezing your leftovers.

You can freeze them before or after cooking; it will just change how you reheat them when you want to eat them later on.

If you store mashed potatoes in the freezer before cooking, then they’ll last 4-6 months once they’re cooked.

If you freeze them after cooking, then they’ll last 3-4 months.

This is a good option if you really don’t have an idea of what to do with leftover mashed potatoes.

How long are leftover mashed potatoes good for?

If cooked potatoes are kept in the fridge then they’ll last for up to 3 days.

If you leave them at room temperature, then they’ll only be good for a day before going bad.

How do you reheat leftover mashed potatoes?

To reheat cold mashed potatoes, simply add some oil or butter and heat them on medium-high in a pan for 5-10 minutes, stirring all the while.

You can also put them into the microwave on medium power for 1 minute per cup, then heat at 50% power for another minute or two until they’re hot and ready to eat.

If you want to reheat previously cooked mashed potatoes, then just add some cream and butter or oil to the mixture and heat them in a pan for 5-10 minutes, stirring every now and then.

You can also put them into the microwave on medium power for 1 minute per cup, then heat at 50% power for another minute or two until they’re hot and ready to eat. (source)

How do you perk leftover mashed potatoes?

You can add various ingredients to change the texture and flavor of the dish.

Some ideas include:

Bacon bits, cooked vegetables (such as peas or corn), chopped scallions, shredded cheese, sour cream, ketchup.

Are reheated mashed potatoes good?

They can be good if you know how to reheat them properly.

You have to keep an eye on the texture and flavor, so it’s best not to simply reheat cold mashed potatoes as they are.

Instead, add some oil or butter, cream, or milk before heating them up again – this will ensure that they’re soft and creamy when you eat them.

You can also change the flavor and texture by adding and cooking different ingredients before reheating your leftovers, such as cheese, butter, milk, cream, bacon bits, vegetables (such as peas or corn), etc.

Can you freeze leftover mashed potatoes?

Yes – they’ll keep for up to 4 months if you freeze them before they’re cooked.

If you freeze them after cooking, then they’ll last for 3-4 months.

To freeze them, simply place all the leftovers into an airtight container or bag and stick them in the freezer for up to 4 months. (source)

How do you thaw out frozen leftover mashed potatoes?

what to do with leftover mashed potatoes

You need to thaw out frozen mashed potatoes before you can heat them up again.

You don’t usually need to thaw mashed potatoes before cooking them (although it does make the cooking process faster), but you do want to ensure that they’re soft and malleable before heating them up again.

You can safely defrost them in the fridge overnight, although you’ll need to change the water in the morning (or when you’re about to cook).

If you want your leftover mash potatoes soft and ready for heating up right away, then place them in a bowl of cold water for an hour or so before cooking.

Can you eat mashed potatoes the next day?

Yes – provided that you reheat them properly.

They can be eaten as leftovers for up to 3 days but they must be stored correctly.

Mash them and put them into an airtight container before placing them in the fridge, where they’ll last for up to 3 days.

If you don’t mash your leftovers then store them in the fridge with a lid on, where they’ll last for up to 3 days.

Why do my leftover mashed potatoes taste sour?

It’s because of the sour cream that you used to make them.

To reduce sourness, try adding 1-2 teaspoons of sugar to the leftovers before heating them up again.

How can you tell if mashed potatoes are bad?

You’ll know if your leftovers are bad if they’ve gone gray or green, or have an unpleasant smell.

If you’re unsure then the best thing to do is to simply throw them away as a precaution.

What side goes good with mashed potatoes?

Any side dish will go well with mashed potatoes.

Mashed potatoes pair well with a variety of meats and vegetables, such as steak, ham, green beans, peas.

How do you reheat mashed potatoes on the stove?

By following the instructions above, you should be able to reheat the leftover on the stove.

Be sure to heat them slowly and stir often, especially if they’re cold.

Can you microwave mashed potatoes?

Yes – you can usually microwave them, although it isn’t as healthy as reheating them gently on the stove or in the oven.

If you use the microwave then be sure to use a product that’s specifically designed for microwaves, not one for the oven or stovetop.

How many times can I reheat mashed potatoes?

In my experience, you can reheat mashed potatoes around 4-5 times before they start to lose their flavor and texture.

How do you soften mashed potatoes?

To soften your mashed potatoes, simply add a few tablespoons of milk or cream to them and heat them up again. (source)

Can I reheat mashed potatoes in a slow cooker?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ0tMUxISRE[/embedyt]

Yes, you can reheat mashed potatoes in a slow cooker.

Be sure to mash up the leftovers before placing them in your slow cooker and add some milk or cream for flavor.

Cover the mashes with water, turn your slow cooker on low heat, and leave it on for around 6 hours or more (if you’re cooking overnight).

Are cold mashed potatoes good for you?

Yes, cold and reheated mashed potatoes are healthy.

All you need to do is follow the instructions in this article when heating your mash potatoes up again after they’ve been in the fridge for several hours.

How do restaurants reheat mashed potatoes?

Restaurants typically reheat their mashed potatoes using a steam table or oven.

In my experience, they don’t generally use the microwave – if they do it’s only very briefly.

How many calories are in instant mashed potatoes?

There are 200-300 calories in a single serving of instant mashed potatoes, depending on how they’re prepared.

Some brands may have less.

Check the label for specific details.

Why do my mashed potatoes taste like metal?

It’s likely because they are cold since when mashed potatoes are cold or refrigerated for too long they can taste metallic.

If you aren’t using very fresh potatoes then try adding some sugar to them before heating them up again.

Can you eat mashed potatoes with milk?

Yes – in fact, many people enjoy mashed potatoes with milk.

Conclusion – What to do with leftover mashed potatoes?

So there you have it – some different ways to use up leftover mashed potatoes.

Whether you want to make a quick and easy meal or something a little more complicated, I’ve got you covered.

And if all of this seems like too much work, remember that you can always freeze the leftovers for another day.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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