What To Do With Leftover Baguette? (Quick Ideas)

what to do with leftover baguette

What do you do when you have a leftover baguette?

You could eat it as is, or you could turn it into something else.

Here are some quick ideas of mine for what to do with a leftover baguette.

Let’s check them out.

And don’t forget to let me know your own ideas as well after reading this short guide.

Turn it into croutons for a salad or soup

The very first thing that comes to my mind when I have a leftover baguette is to make croutons out of it.

Croutons are such a great way to add some extra texture, flavor, and crunch to a dish.

Plus, they’re so easy to make.

Simply cut the baguette into small cubes, drizzle with some olive oil (or another type of oil), and season with salt, pepper, and any other herbs or spices you like.

Then bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Use it for dipping

Another great way to use a leftover baguette is to cut it into thin slices and use it for dipping.

This is perfect for when you’re hosting a party or get-together.

Simply put out a few bowls of your favorite dips and let your guests enjoy.

Make garlic bread or cheese toast

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Making garlic bread or cheese toast is another great way to use a leftover baguette.

Both are quick and easy to make, and they’re always a hit with kids and adults alike.

To make garlic bread, simply spread some butter (or margarine) on the baguette slices, and then sprinkle on some garlic powder (or minced garlic).

Bake in a preheated oven until the bread is toasted.

For cheese toast, you can either sprinkle on some shredded cheese or place a slice of cheese on top of each baguette slice.

Then bake in a preheated oven until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Grill it and serve with bruschetta or hummus

If you have a grill, then you could try grilling your baguette slices.

This is a great way to give the bread a little bit of extra flavor.

Once grilled, you can serve the baguette slices with bruschetta or hummus.

Both are great dips that go well with grilled bread.

Break it up and use it in bread pudding or French toast

Another practical way to use a leftover baguette is to break it up and use it in bread pudding or French toast.

To do this, simply cut the baguette into small pieces and then soak them in a custard mixture (for bread pudding) or an egg and milk mixture (for French toast).

Then bake or fry according to your recipe.

Chop it up and add it to stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner

Chopping the leftover up into small pieces and adding it to your stuffing is a great way to use it up.

This is especially true if you have a lot of other leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner that you need to use up as well.

Simply add the chopped baguette to your stuffing mix and bake according to your recipe.

Use it to make crostini appetizers

Finally, you could use your leftover baguette to make crostini appetizers.

These are always a hit at parties and get-togethers.

To make them, simply slice the baguette into thin slices, brush with some olive oil, and then bake in a preheated oven until crispy.

Once crispy, add your favorite toppings (e.g., cheese, meats, vegetables, etc.) and serve.

How do you revive a stale baguette?

A stale baguette can be revived by placing it in a preheated oven for about 5-10 minutes.

You can also try misting the baguette with water before heating it (source).

How do you reheat a 2-day old baguette?

The best way to reheat a 2-day old baguette is to place it in a preheated oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 5-10 minutes.

You can also reheat the baguette in a toaster oven on the “toast” setting for about 3 minutes.

If you don’t have an oven or toaster oven, you can reheat the baguette in a pan on the stove over medium heat for about 2 minutes per side.

Be sure to wrap the baguette in foil or a towel to keep it from drying out while it reheats.

How do you soften a baguette?

If you want to soften a baguette, you can put it in the oven for a few minutes.

You can also wrap it in a damp towel and microwave it for a few seconds (source).

How long does a baguette last?

A baguette can last up to three days if stored properly.

After baking, allow the baguette to cool completely before storing it in a paper bag or wrapped in a clean, dry towel.

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Slice or tear the baguette just before serving (source).

How do you soften a baguette in the microwave?

what to do with leftover baguette

If you want to soften a baguette in the microwave, you can do so by wrapping it in a damp paper towel and microwaving it on high for about 15 seconds.

You can also try putting the baguette in a plastic bag and microwaving it on low for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

If you’re looking for a quicker way to soften a baguette, you can slice it in half lengthwise and then microwave it on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

How long does a baguette last in the fridge?

A baguette will last in the fridge for about three to five days.

If you want it to last longer, you can freeze it.

Can I eat a baguette the next day?

If you’re wondering whether it’s still safe to eat a baguette the next day, the answer is maybe.

It all depends on how the baguette was stored.

If it was stored in a cool, dry place, then it should be fine to eat.

However, if it was stored in a warm or humid place, then it’s best to throw it out.

When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and throw out the baguette.

It’s not worth getting sick over (source).

How do you store the baguette for the next day?

The best way to store a baguette is to wrap it in a clean, dry towel and place it in a paper bag.

This will help the bread to stay fresh and avoid drying out.

If you plan on eating the baguette within a day or two, you can simply keep it on the counter wrapped in a towel (source).

Why do baguettes go stale so quickly?

It’s because of the high surface area to volume ratio.

Baguettes have a lot of surface area in relation to their overall size, and this means that they dry out quickly.

When bread dries out, it goes stale.

That’s why baguettes go stale so fast – they have a lot of exposed surface area that can dry out (source).

How can you tell if a baguette is bad?

A baguette is bad if it is moldy or has an off smell.

You should also avoid eating a baguette that is hard or has a very dry crust.

How do you soften a baguette in an air fryer?

You can soften a baguette in an air fryer by toasting it on a low setting for a few minutes.

This will help the bread retain its moisture and become more pliable.

You can also add a little bit of water to the air fryer before you start toasting the bread, which will help to create steam and make the baguette even softer.

How do you reheat a baguette without an oven?

There are a few ways to reheat a baguette without an oven.

One way is to wrap the baguette in foil and heat it in a pan on the stove over medium heat.

Another way is to slice the baguette in half lengthwise, spread some butter on the cut sides, and toast it in a pan on the stove over medium heat.

You can also reheat a baguette in the microwave, but be sure to slice it in half lengthwise first so that it doesn’t get too dry.

What can I do with a rock-hard baguette?

A rock-hard baguette is not ideal for eating, but there are a few things you can do with it.

You can use it as a doorstop, or smash it up and use it as gravel for your garden.

You could also try to carve it into a sculpture.

If you’re feeling really creative, you could even use it as a weapon in a Nerf gun battle.

Whatever you do with it, just make sure you don’t eat it.

How do you keep sliced baguette fresh?

You can keep sliced baguette fresh by storing it in an airtight container at room temperature.

If you want to keep it for a longer period of time, you can store it in the fridge.


In short, there are many different ways that you can use a leftover baguette.

These are just a few of my favorite ideas.

I hope you found this guide helpful and that it gives you some ideas of your own.

Let me know what you think.

And don’t forget to share your own ideas as well.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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