What To Do With Leftover Arugula? (Quick Ideas)

what to do with leftover arugula

Do you have a lot of leftover arugulas?

Don’t know what to do with it?

Here are some quick and easy ideas for you.

It is a delicious and versatile green that can be used in salads, soups, sandwiches, and more.

So don’t let that leftover arugula go to waste – get creative and enjoy it.

Make a quick dish of salad

The very first thing that comes to mind when we think of arugula is a salad.

And for good reason – salad is a delicious, healthy, and easy way to use up any leftover greens.

Arugula salad is especially tasty, as the peppery flavor of the greens pairs well with a variety of other ingredients.

Add some chopped tomatoes, fresh herbs, a drizzle of olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon juice for a simple and satisfying salad.

Try an arugula pesto

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtrKnQ-HNFk[/embedyt]

Arugula pesto is a great way to use up a lot of greens in one go.

It’s also incredibly versatile – you can use it as a dip, spread it on sandwiches, toss it with pasta, or use it as a sauce for meats or vegetables.

To make arugula pesto, simply combine chopped arugula, garlic, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and salt in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

Add it to a soup

Soup is always a great option for using up leftover greens.

Arugula soup is a particularly tasty option, as the peppery flavor of the greens pairs well with a variety of other ingredients.

Simply sauté some chopped onion and garlic in a bit of olive oil, then add the arugula and chicken or vegetable broth.

Season with salt and pepper to taste and blend until smooth.

Serve hot with a drizzle of olive oil and some crusty bread.

Toss it with pasta

Pasta is always a good option when you’re looking for a quick and easy meal.

And it’s even better when you add some greens to the mix.

Arugula pesto pasta is a particularly delicious option, as the pesto sauce helps to mellow out the peppery flavor of the greens.

Simply toss cooked pasta with arugula pesto and grilled chicken or shrimp for a complete meal.

Add to sandwiches and wraps

Arugula makes a great addition to sandwiches and wraps.

The peppery flavor of the greens pairs well with a variety of other ingredients, and it adds a nice bit of texture and crunch.

Simply add some arugula to your favorite sandwich or wrap recipe for a delicious and easy meal.

Toss with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes

This classic Italian dish is a great way to use up any leftover arugula.

The combination of fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and arugula is a match made in heaven, and it’s so easy to make.

Simply toss some chopped arugula with fresh mozzarella balls and halved cherry tomatoes.

Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and some crusty bread.

Make a green smoothie

A green smoothie is a great way to use up any leftover greens.

Simply combine arugula, spinach, kale, or any other greens you have on hand with some fruit and yogurt in a blender and blend until smooth.

Add a bit of honey or agave nectar to sweeten if desired.

Can I freeze arugula?

The answer is yes, you can freeze arugula.

The best way to do this is to blanch the arugula for two minutes, then put it in an airtight container and store it in the freezer.

When you’re ready to use it, simply thaw the arugula and add it to your dish (source).

How long does arugula last?

It is a leafy green vegetable that is often used in salads.

It has a slightly bitter taste and is rich in nutrients.

Arugula can last up to two weeks when stored properly in the fridge (source).

Is arugula healthier raw or cooked?

Raw arugula is healthier than cooked arugula.

This is because cooking can destroy some of the nutrients in food.

For example, heat can break down vitamins and minerals, making them less available for the body to use.

That’s why raw fruits and vegetables are often considered more nutritious than cooked ones (source).

Can I eat arugula every day?

It is a nutrient-dense food that can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

It is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium.

It also contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that may offer health benefits.

When eaten in moderation, arugula can be a healthy addition to your diet (source).

Can you freeze arugula without blanching?

Yes, you can freeze arugula without blanching it first.

Simply place the arugula in a freezer-safe container and freeze for up to six months.

When you’re ready to use it, thaw the arugula in the refrigerator overnight and then use it as desired (source).

How do you eat frozen arugula?

You can eat frozen arugula in a number of ways.

You can add it to smoothies or soups, or you can simply thaw it and eat it as is.

Frozen arugula is also a great way to add some extra greens to your diet.

Can you freeze bagged arugula?

Arugula can be frozen, but it is best to do so before it begins to wilt.

Place arugula in a freezer bag, remove as much air as possible and seal tightly.

Frozen arugula will last for several months.

When you’re ready to use it, thaw the arugula in the refrigerator and then use it as you would fresh arugula.

How do you know if arugula is bad?

If the arugula has wilted or browned leaves, it is probably bad.

You can also tell by the smell—if it smells sour or off, it’s time to toss it out.

If you’re not sure, err on the side of caution and throw it away (source).

Should I wash arugulas before storing them?

Washing arugula before storing it is not necessary, but it can help to keep the leaves from getting wilted or slimy.

If you do wash it, be sure to dry the leaves thoroughly before storing them in an airtight container (source).

How do you preserve arugula leaves?

Arugula leaves can be preserved by freezing or drying.

To freeze, wash and dry the leaves then place them in a freezer bag.

To dry, wash and dry the leaves then place them on a dehydrator tray.

Dry at a low temperature until crisp.

Store in an airtight container.

What does cooked arugula taste like?

what to do with leftover arugula

It has a slightly peppery taste, with a hint of bitterness.

It is often used in salads or as a garnish.

When cooked, arugula can take on a more mellow flavor.

It can be steamed, sautéed, or added to soups or pasta dishes.

Can you eat arugula after it bolts?

It is a leafy green vegetable that is often used in salads.

It has a slightly bitter taste and is often considered a “superfood” because of its high nutrient content.

After arugula bolts, the leaves become tougher and more bitter.

While some people may still enjoy eating arugula after it bolts, others may find the taste to be too strong.

If you’re not sure whether or not you’ll enjoy the taste of arugula after it bolts, it’s best to try a small amount before adding it to your meal.


These are just a few quick and easy ideas for using up leftover arugula.

So get creative and enjoy your greens.

Thanks for reading.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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