28 Modern Twists on Classic Brownies

Elevate your brownie game with these 28 modern twists. From unique flavors to creative toppings, these brownies are anything but ordinary.

1. Salted Caramel Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Gustavo Peres

Swirl caramel into the batter and sprinkle with sea salt. A decadent and sweet treat.

2. Peanut Butter Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Oksana Mizina

Add dollops of peanut butter to the batter. A classic flavor combination.

3. S’mores Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Orangecatteam

Top brownies with marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. A campfire treat in brownie form.

4. Espresso Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Nikola Čedíková

Add espresso powder to the batter for a coffee kick. Perfect for coffee lovers.

5. Mint Chocolate Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / tomateoignons

Mix in mint extract and top with crushed mints. A refreshing twist on brownies.

6. Raspberry Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Ella Olsson

Swirl raspberry preserves into the batter. A fruity and chocolaty delight.

7. Cheesecake Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Pegah Sharifi

Top brownies with a layer of cheesecake batter. A rich and creamy treat.

8. Coconut Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Maahid Photos

Mix shredded coconut into the batter. A tropical twist on brownies.

9. Nutella Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Veer Sajid

Swirl Nutella into the batter for a hazelnut flavor. A rich and delicious treat.

10. White Chocolate Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Henrry L Ramirez

Add white chocolate chips to the batter. A sweet and creamy twist.

11. Pumpkin Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kolpakova Svetlana

Mix pumpkin puree and spices into the batter. A fall favorite.

12. Toffee Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / nelea33

Sprinkle toffee bits into the batter. A crunchy and sweet addition.

13. Orange Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / MikeGz

Add orange zest and juice to the batter. A citrusy and refreshing twist.

14. Bacon Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Abilio Andrade

Mix crispy bacon bits into the batter. A sweet and savory treat.

15. Red Velvet Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Nitin Sharma

Add red food coloring and a touch of vinegar. A colorful and delicious treat.

16. Brownie Sundaes

Image Credit: Pexels / min che

Top brownies with ice cream and chocolate sauce. A decadent dessert.

17. Brownie Truffles

Image Credit: Pexels / Pelageia Zelenina

Roll brownies into balls and dip in chocolate. A bite-sized treat.

18. Mocha Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Dima Valkov

Add coffee and chocolate chips to the batter. A rich and flavorful twist.

19. Almond Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Jess Loiterton

Mix in almond extract and slivered almonds. A nutty and delicious treat.

20. Black Forest Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / DRAKE NICOLLS

Top brownies with cherries and whipped cream. A classic dessert in brownie form.

21. Zucchini Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Karolina Kaboompics

Add grated zucchini to the batter. A moist and healthy twist.

22. Cookie Dough Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Klaus Nielsen

Top brownies with a layer of cookie dough. A delicious and indulgent treat.

23. Peppermint Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Teri Virbickis

Mix in crushed peppermint candies. A festive and refreshing twist.

24. Tahini Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Denys Gromov

Swirl tahini into the batter for a nutty flavor. A unique and delicious treat.

25. Caramel Pecan Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / MariaKovaleva

Top brownies with caramel and pecans. A rich and crunchy addition.

26. Gingerbread Brownies

Image Credit: Pexels / Jonathan Nenemann

Add ginger and spices to the batter. A warm and cozy treat.

27. Avocado Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rimma Bondarenko

Use avocado in place of butter. A healthy and creamy twist.

28. Turtle Brownies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / NicoleAshley2017

Top brownies with caramel, pecans, and chocolate. A decadent and delicious treat.

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The post 28 Modern Twists on Classic Brownies first appeared on elpasoNY.com.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pexels / Saveurs Secretes.

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