What To Do With Leftover Sashimi?

what to do with leftover sashimi

Recently, it’s been brought to my attention that there seems to be a lot of leftover sashimi.

The problem with this is that most people aren’t aware of what they can do with their leftovers.

So, today, I’ll be addressing the issue and providing some suggestions on how you can utilize your sashimi in different ways later on.

Firstly, let me explain why there are still bits of sashimi left over after eating it.

Why do you often have leftover sashimi?

First off, if you’re using the correct kind of knife it shouldn’t happen very often at all.

But sometimes mistakes are made when cutting up freshly-caught fish for example.

Or even cuts from kitchen knives while preparing said fish for cooking.

There are some instances where you’ve been trying to cut the flesh of a large fish but have been unable to do so.

In these cases, you can use your hands or even an ice pick to remove the flesh from the bones.

If you find that there are still bits of sashimi left over after eating it, then perhaps it’s because you’re not using enough soy sauce for example, etc.

Sometimes it may just be too much for one serving and that’s perfectly understandable.

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So, what can you do with your leftover sashimi?

Searing it in a hot pan

The first thing I’d suggest is searing it in a hot pan with oil and salt.

This will give the sashimi pieces a nice caramelized outer layer which will provide some crunch as well as add another dimension of flavor to the bite.

This may be ideal for leftover flatfish sashimi, for example.

Mix it with rice

Another option is to mix it in with the rice.

It’s very common in Japan to eat leftover sashimi in this way, since it’s quick and easy and also provides a nice contrast of texture – crispy on the outside but soft on the inside.

Rice isn’t your only option though, you could try spreading some out on a plate or tray and using it as an ingredient in yet another dish – for example, adding it to some stir-fried vegetables together with soy sauce.

You can get creative here too by drizzling some wasabi over everything before serving, which will add more flavor to your creation.

Try removing the soy sauce

If you’re not too sure about how to incorporate your leftover sashimi into another dish, then perhaps it’s best to simply try and remove the soy sauce taste that will inevitably be present.

The first way I’d suggest is by boiling down your leftover sashimi with dashi stock and sweetened soy sauce (mirin).

This should ultimately take away or at least reduce any unwanted aftertaste.

Another option is to fry up some kimchi – since kimchi has quite a strong taste itself, using this as a base ingredient could help mask the soy sauce taste that’s left over from eating your boxed sushi or simple rice ball.

Alternatively, if you have any pickled ginger sitting around in the refrigerator then you can use this as a dip for your leftover sashimi.

Use it in other dishes

Your sashimi leftovers could be used as an ingredient in other dishes later on.

And you’re better off adding some of the sashimi bits into a hot pot or simmering them in a dashi broth – they should work well as an additional flavor enhancer/garnish for your stewed vegetables or meat dish.

If there’s any sauce leftover after enjoying your boxed lunch, then perhaps it would be best to use it up here by using some of these sashimi pieces again instead of letting it go to waste.

Can you eat leftover sashimi?

Yes, you can eat leftovers from sushi even if there is raw fish inside.

You can refrigerate it for 24 hours at most.

Its taste may change, but eating it should not be a problem. (source)

Can you sear leftover sashimi?

Yes, you can sear leftover sashimi in a pan.

It needs to be fried on both sides until it becomes golden brown.

Once the fish is browned, you can add soy sauce and swirl it around in the pan.

Next, turn up the heat to high and let it coat the fish.

Finally, transfer this dish onto a plate with your favorite toppings on top of it. (source)

How do you keep salmon sashimi fresh?

You can simply wrap it in plastic and then put it into an airtight container and put it in your fridge or freezer.

How do you know if sashimi is bad?

If the fish feels mushy or it does not spring back, then it is old.

Do not eat it.

Can I keep sashimi overnight?

what to do with leftover sashimi

Yes, you can.

If you want to eat raw fish, it is best to eat it as soon as possible.

But if you can’t do that, sushi or sashimi will last for up to 24 hours in the fridge.

But don’t eat it after that. It may make you sick.

How do you store leftover sashimi?

Wrap the sushi tightly together and then cover in plastic wrap.

Put it in an airtight container and put it in the fridge.

Can you microwave sashimi?

Yes, microwaving raw fish for 30 seconds makes it perfect to eat.

It just makes the cold raw fish fractionally warmer and softer. (source)

Can you make sashimi with any salmon?

In Japan, sashimi is raw fish that is sliced up and served.

It can be things like scallops to beef to chicken.

The most popular type of sashimi in Japanese restaurants in Australia is seafood.

Tuna, kingfish, and salmon are all foods eaten as sashimi. (source)

How long can sashimi sit out?

Sashimi can be kept out for two hours.

It should be eaten the day it is prepared.

If it will not be eaten within two hours, put it in the fridge or a cool place. (source)

What is the white stuff with sashimi?

The white stuff with sashimi is a type of vegetable.

It is called “tsuma”.

The term tsuma can also be used to describe any other garnish that goes on top of or around the sashimi. (source)


There are many ways to utilize leftover sashimi, but the most important thing is to use it quickly.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your leftover sushi for lunch or dinner tomorrow.

Have you ever made a dish with leftover sushi?

What did you make?

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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