What To Do With Leftover Garlic?

what to do with leftover garlic

Many people have a hard time deciding what to do with leftover garlic.

You can’t just throw it away, but you also don’t want the smell of garlic in your fridge all week long.

Here are a few ideas for how to deal with this dilemma.

Make garlic bread

If you have too much leftover garlic, try to make garlic bread with butter and cheese.

This is a great way to use up bread that is left over from other meals, too.

Add roasted garlic to mashed potatoes or vegetables

And that would definitely add some flavors to your dish.

If you love garlic, try adding roasted garlic to mashed potatoes or vegetables.

You can also mix it into a salsa or aioli for an extra pop of flavor.

Make a sandwich

You can try putting some leftover garlic on toast for a savory breakfast sandwich.

If you have a lot of leftovers, try putting them on toast for a savory breakfast sandwich.

You can also mix the garlic with a little bit of butter and spread it onto slices of a baguette before toasting them in the oven.

Then top it with parmesan cheese and fresh parsley.

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Make pesto sauce

You can use raw cloves as pesto sauce mixed with fresh basil leaves, pine nuts, and parmesan cheese.

If you want to experiment with cooking, try making raw garlic cloves into a pesto sauce mixed together with fresh basil leaves, pine nuts, and grated parmesan cheese.

You can spread the pesto onto bread or toast and then top it with some sliced tomatoes.

Use it in salad dressing

Blend it into your favorite salad dressing recipe for a zesty twist on vinegar-based dressings.

No one likes a boring salad.

If you want to add an interesting twist to your favorite vinegar-based salad dressing, try blending some garlic into it.

The dressing will have a zesty flavor that will really wake up the taste buds in your mouth.

You can also add roasted or raw garlic cloves to your favorite olive oil-based salad dressing recipe.

It’s a great way to use up leftover garlic and give your favorite salad dressings an extra kick.

Just freeze it

You can freeze the excess in ice cube trays so you can pull out just what you need when cooking dinner.

If you have leftover garlic, chances are that you’re going to be cooking with it again soon.

You can pop your excess garlic cloves into trays and freeze them so you can pull out just what you need when cooking dinner.

This will help to avoid wasting any food – plus it won’t leave the lingering smell of garlic in your kitchen.

Roast it to use in pasta sauce

You can also roast garlic and use it in recipes like pasta sauce, guacamole, and pesto sauce.

If you have too much leftover garlic, try roasting it in the oven.

Once you roast the garlic, use it in recipes like pasta sauce, guacamole, or pesto sauce for an extra pop of flavor. You can also mix roasted garlic cloves with mashed potatoes or salad dressings.

It’s amazing how many different dishes you can use it in.

Make garlic powder

You can make a garlic powder with salt and store it in the fridge for later use.

If you have too much leftover garlic, try making some garlic powder.

All you need to do is mix salt with the roasted cloves of garlic and store them in an airtight container in the fridge for later use.

You can even make multiple containers ahead of time so that there’s always some on hand when you need it.

Pickle it

You can also make some homemade pickled garlic to add an acidic flavor to dishes.

If you have a lot of leftover garlic, try making some homemade pickled garlic.

All you need is some vinegar and salt with your garlic cloves to create a delicious acidic flavor for dishes.

Make a soup

Try turning your leftover garlic into a delicious soup is also a good choice.

If you have leftover garlic, turn it into a delicious soup. You can blend garlic with some broth and toss in some veggies like carrots or celery to make it even more filling.

This is an amazing way to use up leftover ingredients that might otherwise go bad.

Can garlic be frozen for later use?

Yes, garlic can be frozen for later use.

You can freeze it raw, whole, and unpeeled.

You can also freeze it chopped or in other forms that are ready to cook with.

How long does garlic last once cut?

Garlic lasts for a week in the refrigerator when it is peeled and longer when it is chopped.

If you want to keep the garlic fresh for two or three days, store it in olive oil. (source)

When should I throw out my garlic?

what to do with leftover garlic

You should do so if it becomes squishy, soft, changes color with dark spots, or starts to sprout green shoots.

Garlic that is bad can make you very sick, so it’s best not to take any chances. (source)

What happens if you refrigerate garlic?

If you refrigerate garlic, it will go bad very soon.

If you want to store it long-term, do not store it in the fridge.

Freeze them instead. (source)

How do you save garlic cloves?

If you have peeled the garlic or if there are just a few cloves left on the bulb, refrigerate it in an airtight container or zip-top bag.

The garlic will start to lose its pungency after a few days, but it will be okay to use for about a week. (source)

How can you tell when garlic goes bad?

You can tell when garlic goes bad by looking for brown spots on the cloves and if it is turning more yellow or brown.

Another thing that might happen is that green roots form in the middle of the clove.

When this happens, these roots should be removed before cooking because they taste very bitter.

Is frozen garlic still healthy?

Yes, frozen garlic is still healthy.

Freezing has not destroyed all the health benefits of garlic.

It is better to freeze it because then you can keep the health benefits for longer.

Can you store garlic in olive oil?

Yes, you can store garlic in olive oil.

This will help keep the garlic fresh.

Another benefit is that you can use olive oil with garlic flavor for cooking.

Be sure to replace the oil if it starts to become murky or cloudy since this means that the garlic is no longer being protected and could spoil. (source)


Garlic is a delicious, versatile ingredient that can be used in many different ways.

In this article, I’ve shared seven of our favorite recipes for using up leftover garlic.

Whether you roast it, freeze it, or make some pickled garlic, there’s sure to be a recipe here that will appeal to you.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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