What To Do With Leftover Egg Wash?

what to do with leftover egg wash

If you’re like me, you sometimes have leftover egg wash after using it to coat baking items such as cookies or doughnuts.

But what can you do with it?

Here are a few ideas.

Use it as a base for salad dressings

You can use your leftover egg wash for salad dressings in place of the oil, and add your favorite ingredients such as vinegar, fresh herbs, and spices.

Doing this will give the dressing a creamy base while adding flavor.

Mix it with mayo and make a sandwich spread

Again, you can use the leftovers in place of oil in a sandwich spread.

Mix it with mayo and add spices like garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper to taste.

Add some herbs and spices and use the mix as a dip

Who doesn’t love a good egg-white-based dip, especially when served with vegetables for dipping?

You can use your leftover wash in that case.

Add some finely chopped fresh herbs and spices to the mix.

Try garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt, pepper, etc.

Use it as a glaze for meats or vegetables

If you’re not a fan of egg-white-based dips but want to use up your leftover wash, thinning it out with water is another option.

Add fresh herbs and/or spices for extra flavor, too.

For example, try adding some garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper.

Then pour the mixture over what you’re glazing.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WdFf4Cfn6A[/embedyt]

Pour it over some cooked pasta and top with Parmesan cheese

A fast and easy meal to make when you don’t have a lot of time is pasta.

Why not add your leftover wash to the mix? Mix well, pour overcooked noodles, and top with Parmesan cheese.

Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, etc., for extra flavor.

Use it to make scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs, especially when seasoned with salt and pepper, are a simple meal to prepare.

This is also a great use for the leftover egg wash.

After your scrambled eggs turn out fluffy and slightly light in color, add some chopped fresh herbs such as parsley or chives then mix well.

Serve it on toast with avocado slices.

You’ll definitely enjoy it.

Brush it on baked goods

You can pour the light corn syrup into it and heat it until the mixture turns amber in color to brush on baked goods.

If you’re looking for a way to make your baked goods shiny and beautiful, you can use the wash and light corn syrup together.

Pour light corn syrup into it and heat until the mixture turns amber in color.

Brush on top of baked goods like donuts or cookies while they’re still warm.

It will give them a beautiful shine.

Use it in pancake or waffle batter

If you like your pancakes or waffles light and fluffy, using the egg wash instead of buttermilk or milk is a great way to make them fluffier.

Simply add it to your batter while mixing well.

If you want extra flavor, add some spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, etc., for a “cinnamon toast” flavor.

Add some instant coffee and make French egg coffee

This is a delicious drink similar to cappuccino.

A simple way to use the wash is to add some instant coffee and make French egg coffee.

You can use it in place of regular espresso for your cappuccino, with the egg giving it a slightly different flavor profile.

Mix well for about 20 seconds then enjoy.

Make an omelet with it

Similar to scrambled eggs, you can also use the leftover egg wash to make an omelet.

For extra flavor, add some veggies or fruits of your choice before folding it over.

You can also add some meats like salami, ham, bacon bits, etc. if you’d like.

What is “egg wash?”

what to do with leftover egg wash

“Egg Wash” refers to a combination of eggs and water, used for brushing on top of baked goods such as donuts or cookies.

It’s then put into a piping bag or used with a pastry brush to paint the mixture onto the baked goods.

How long will the leftover egg wash keep?

You can keep it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. (2 days would be the optimal choice)

For best results, please use it before its expiration date. (source)

Is there anything I should do before storing/using the leftover egg wash?

Before using this product, please make sure that it is stored (in or out of the refrigerator) between 40°F and 140°F.

Also, make sure that you use a clean utensil each time before taking the leftover egg wash out of the airtight container to avoid cross-contamination.

Can I freeze the leftover egg wash?

Yes, you can freeze it for up to a year.

Please use a freezer-safe container and remember to take it out of the freezer at least 48 hours in advance before using it. (source)

What’s the best way to reheat the leftover egg wash?

You can heat it in a pan on low heat while stirring constantly.

Be careful not to boil it while reheating, as this might splatter and cause burns.

You can also use your microwave by placing it in an airtight container and heating it for 30-60 seconds, but keep in mind that over time you’ll lose some of the flavors due to evaporation.

Can I use the leftover egg wash in place of other liquids in recipes?

Yes, you can use the leftover egg wash to replace other liquids such as milk, buttermilk, or water in your recipes.

Keep in mind that this might change the taste and texture of your recipes slightly. (source)

What should I do if I run out of ideas for using the leftover egg wash?

If you’re running out of ideas for how to use the leftover egg wash, try exploring different recipes such as baked goods (e.g., cookies or pancakes), omelets, sauces (e.g., béchamel sauce), and drinks (e.g., coffee).


The egg wash is a mix of eggs and water, used for brushing on top of baked goods such as donuts or cookies.

It’s then put into a piping bag or used with a pastry brush to paint the mixture onto the baked goods.

The leftover egg wash can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to three days after being made.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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