What To Do With Leftover Bacon Grease? (Quick Ideas)

what to do with leftover bacon fat

If you’re like most people, you probably go through a lot of bacon.

And, at the end of a busy day, the last thing you want to do is waste any leftover bacon grease.

So, what can you do with it?

Here are some quick ideas of mine you can try today.

Let’s check them out.

Crispy roasted potatoes

The first thing you can try is crispy bacon grease roasted potatoes.

Simply wash some small potatoes and slice them in half.

Then, heat up some bacon grease in a frying pan over medium heat.

Add the potatoes to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes per side, or until they’re crispy.

Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

And you’re done.


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Next, you can try bacon grease popcorn.

Just heat up some bacon grease in a small pot over low heat.

Add a few kernels of popcorn to the pot and cover with a lid.

Once the kernels start popping, add the rest of the popcorn and stir constantly until it’s all popped.

Season with salt and pepper if desired.

Roasted Brussels sprouts

This one is my favorite.

To make this dish, simply preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Cut the stems off of some Brussels sprouts and then cut them in half.

Add them to the baking sheet and toss with some bacon grease.

Roast for 25 minutes, or until they’re crispy.

Season with salt and pepper if desired.

Garlic mashed potatoes

Additionally, you can make bacon grease garlic mashed potatoes.

Start by boiling some potatoes until they’re soft.

Then, add them to a bowl and mash them with some bacon grease, garlic cloves, salt, and pepper.

Serve hot and enjoy.

Crispy hash browns

If you’re looking for a more hearty dish, you can try crispy bacon grease hash browns.

Start by heating up some bacon grease in a large frying pan over medium heat.

Add some shredded potatoes to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes per side, or until they’re crispy.

Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

And you’re done.

Roasted carrots

Another great way to use up your leftover it is to roast some carrots in it.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Cut some carrots into thin strips and add them to the baking sheet.

Toss with some bacon grease and roast for about 20 minutes, or until they’re tender.

Season with salt and pepper if desired.

Deviled eggs

Finally, you can make some delicious bacon grease deviled eggs.

Start by hard-boiling some eggs and then peeling them.

Cut the eggs in half and remove the yolks.

Add the yolks to a bowl and mash them with some bacon grease, mayo, mustard, salt, and pepper.

Pipe or spoon the mixture back into the egg whites.

And you’re done.

What is bacon grease good for?

It is good for cooking because it has a high smoke point and it is flavorless so it doesn’t alter the flavor of the food.

It is also a good source of saturated fat.

You can use it in dishes like bacon-wrapped shrimp or in place of butter or oil when cooking. (source)

Is bacon grease healthier than butter?

Many pieces of research have shown that it is healthier than butter.

It is a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help to lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Additionally, bacon grease contains more antioxidants than butter does, which can help to protect against cell damage.

So, if you are looking for a healthier cooking oil alternative, it is a good option.

Is bacon grease good to eat?

Yes, it is good to eat.

It has a lot of flavors and adds a nice richness to foods.

You can use it to cook or add it to food as a topping.

Just be careful not to eat too much, as it is high in calories.

What is bacon grease also called?

It is also called bacon grease.

It is the rendered fat from the bacon.

It is used in cooking, especially for frying.

It has a high smoke point and a delicious flavor.

It is also high in saturated fat, so it should be used sparingly. (source)

Can I use it instead of lard?

Yes, you can use it in place of lard in most recipes.

However, keep in mind that it is a bit higher in calories and saturated fat than lard.

So if you are watching your weight or cholesterol levels, you may want to stick with lard.

How long does bacon grease last in the fridge?

It can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks.

It can also be frozen for up to six months.

When freezing, it is best to freeze it in small portions so that it can be used as needed.

It can be used in a variety of dishes, including sauces, salad dressings, and marinades.

It can also be added to baked goods, such as muffins and quick bread.

It is a great source of flavor and adds a crispy texture to dishes. (source)

What is the smoke point?

The smoke point of it is 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

This means that the bacon grease will start to smoke at this temperature and it will be difficult to cook any further.

It is a great cooking oil because it has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor.

It is also a healthy cooking oil because it is high in monounsaturated fats. (source)

Can you buy bacon grease?

what to do with leftover bacon fat

Yes, you can buy it at most grocery stores.

However, it’s not always easy to find.

You may need to ask a store employee where to find it.

It is usually located near the bacon in the meat section of the store.

What is bacon grease made of?

It is made of rendered pork fat.

The fat is boiled and filtered to remove any impurities, and then it is poured into molds to cool and solidify.

It has a high smoke point, so it is great for cooking at high temperatures.

It is also a source of saturated fat and cholesterol, which means that it should be consumed in moderation. (source)

Is bacon grease the same as bacon grease?

Yes, they’re both the same thing.

It is made up of rendered bacon grease, which is the fat that’s been melted down from the bacon.

Some people might choose to call it bacon grease instead, but they’re essentially the same thing.

Can I use it for tamales?

Yes, you can use it for tamales.

It will add a delicious smoky flavor to your tamales.

However, you should only use a small amount.

Do you have to store bacon grease in the fridge?

It can be stored at room temperature, but it will eventually spoil.

If you want to store your bacon grease for an extended period of time, you’ll need to place it in the fridge or freezer.

However, if you’re only going to use a small amount at a time, it’s best to store it in the fridge.

This will help keep it fresh and prevent it from spoiling.

Is pork fat the same as bacon grease?

When it comes to pork fat, there are a few things to consider.

For one, the fat from different parts of the pig will have different qualities.

Fat from the belly, for example, is considered “back bacon” in the UK and is prized for its flavor.

Belly fat is high in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered healthy fats.

Fat from the shoulder and leg, on the other hand, is lower in monounsaturated fats but higher in saturated fats.

So, is pork fat the same as bacon grease? In general, yes, pork fat is the same as bacon grease.

But there can be some variation depending on the cut of pork.


In summary, there are a lot of great ways to use up your leftover bacon grease.

So don’t waste any leftover bacon grease.

Try one of these recipes today.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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