Get Salon-Quality Hair at Home With These 18 Tips

After a whirlwind tour from New York to Paris, and making stops in the trend-setting cities of LA and London, I’ve gathered the crème de la crème of advice from top salon owners. Okay, full disclosure—I didn’t jet-set across the globe; my Zoom account did the heavy lifting. But who says a girl can’t dream? These salon savants have whispered their secrets, the kind usually reserved for the swivel chairs of their chic establishments, and here’s what they’re telling us about achieving that coveted salon hair right in the comfort of our homes.

1. Less Is More With Shampoo

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“Overwashing is a crime against your scalp,” says a revered stylist from Paris. Use sulfate-free shampoos and only lather up a few times a week to maintain natural oils.

2. Condition Correctly

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London’s finest insists, “Conditioner should never touch your roots!” Apply from the mid-lengths to the ends to avoid greasy scalp issues.

3. Cold Water Rinse

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A tip from New York: Finish with a cold water rinse to close the cuticles and add natural shine that turns heads.

4. Leave-in Treatments Are Your BFF

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“Think of them as your hair’s best friend,” claims an LA stylist. They protect, moisturize, and repair — essential for post-shower care.

5. Heat Protection Is Non-negotiable

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Before you even think about heat styling, a Parisian hair maestro warns, “Protect your strands as you would your skin from the sun.”

6. Invest in Quality Tools

Image Credit: Pexels / Nataliya Vaitkevich

“Your hair deserves the best,” a London salon owner advises. Quality hairdryers and ceramic straighteners make a world of difference.

7. Regular Trims

Image Credit: Pexels / Engin Akyurt

Even if you’re growing it out, regular trims are a must to avoid split ends, say stylists from all four fashion capitals.

8. Use a Wide-Tooth Comb on Wet Hair

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To prevent breakage, always use a wide-tooth comb on wet hair. “Brushing wet hair is a cardinal sin,” echoes a voice from LA.

9. Satin Pillowcases

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Swap your cotton pillowcase for satin to reduce hair breakage and frizz, a secret shared by New York’s elite.

10. Dry Shampoo Before Bed

Image Credit: Pexels / Bennie Lukas Bester

An insider from London recommends applying dry shampoo before hitting the sheets. “It works overnight for volume and freshness.”

11. Hair Masks Weekly

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“Like a spa day for your hair,” a Parisian stylist suggests using hair masks weekly to deeply nourish and rejuvenate your locks.

12. Avoid Tight Hairstyles

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A tip from LA: Tight hairstyles can cause breakage and hair loss. Keep it loose to protect your scalp and hair health.

13. Eat Hair-Healthy Foods

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“Your hair is what you eat,” states a nutrition-conscious New York stylist. Foods rich in Omega-3s and protein promote hair health.

14. Embrace Natural Texture

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Learn to love and style your natural texture. “Over-styling is out,” reveals a minimalist advocate from Paris.

15. DIY Toning

Image Credit: Pexels / Nataliya Vaitkevich

Between salon visits, use a color-depositing conditioner to keep brassy tones at bay, a secret weapon shared by London colorists.

16. Lower the Water Temperature

Image Credit: Pexels / Lisa Anna

Hot water can be drying. “Lukewarm showers are the way to go,” advises a haircare guru from LA.

17. Use a T-Shirt to Dry

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Ditch the towel for a soft, old T-shirt to prevent frizz and breakage, a trick that’s all the rage in New York.

18. Don’t Over-Apply Product

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“More product doesn’t mean better results,” warns a London stylist. Start small; you can always add more if needed.

Salon Secrets Unveiled

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sofia Zhuravetc

With these tips straight from the masters of mane, achieving salon-perfect hair at home isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality waiting to happen. Whether it’s embracing the natural beauty of your hair, protecting it like the crown it is, or giving it the nourishment it craves, these insights are your golden ticket. Now go forth and let your hair down, or up, or however you want — but make it fabulous.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa.

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