Air Fryer Fails: 10 Foods to Avoid at All Costs

Air fryers have revolutionized the way we cook, offering a healthier alternative to deep frying. However, not all foods are suited for this trendy kitchen gadget. Find out what you should never put in the air fryer and why.

Avoid Wet Batters

Image Credit: Pexels / Alejandro Aznar

If you’re thinking of frying up some battered fish or onion rings, think again.

Why Not? Wet batters can create a mess in the air fryer. The batter drips through the basket, leading to uneven cooking and a sticky, hard-to-clean mess.

Skip the Cheese

Image Credit: Pexels / Shameel mukkath

Thinking of making cheesy snacks like mozzarella sticks? It’s best to reconsider.

Why Not? Cheese can melt quickly and ooze through the basket holes, creating a sticky mess and potentially burning on to the heating elements.

Say No to Leafy Greens

Image Credit: Pexels / Kindel Media

Kale chips sound like a healthy air fryer snack, right? Wrong.

Why Not? Leafy greens can be too light and can blow around inside the air fryer, causing uneven cooking and even burning.

Whole Roasts Are a No-Go

Image Credit: Pexels / RDNE Stock project

It might be tempting to cook a whole roast in your air fryer, but it’s not a good idea.

Why Not? Whole roasts can be too large for the air fryer, leading to uneven cooking. The outside might burn while the inside remains undercooked.

Be Wary of Raw Grains

Image Credit: Pexels / RDNE Stock project

Considering cooking raw rice or pasta in your air fryer? Think again.

Why Not? Raw grains need to be boiled in water to cook properly. An air fryer cannot provide the necessary moisture and heat distribution to cook them correctly.

Avoid Delicate Pastries

Image Credit: Pexels / Damir

Delicate pastries like croissants or éclairs don’t belong in the air fryer.

Why Not? The high heat and rapid air circulation can cause delicate pastries to dry out or burn before they cook through.

Don’t Air Fry Popcorn

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Luca Santilli

Popcorn in an air fryer might seem like a good idea, but it’s not.

Why Not? Air fryers don’t get hot enough to pop corn kernels efficiently. You’ll end up with more unpopped kernels than a tasty snack.

Wet Foods Are Problematic

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kostikova Natalia

Foods with a lot of moisture, such as fresh tomatoes or fruits, should be avoided.

Why Not? The high water content can cause these foods to steam instead of fry, resulting in soggy and unappetizing dishes.

Watch Out for Toasted Bread

Image Credit: Pexels / Cup of Couple

Making toast or open-faced sandwiches can be tricky in an air fryer.

Why Not? Lightweight items like bread can fly around, causing them to cook unevenly or burn.

Avoid Sauced Foods

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gun N00B

Foods with sauces, like spaghetti or saucy ribs, should not go in the air fryer.

Why Not? Sauces can drip and splatter, causing a mess and potentially burning inside the air fryer.

Skip the Spinach

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jun Wat

While spinach chips might seem like a good idea, they’re not suited for the air fryer.

Why Not? Spinach leaves are too light and can fly around, causing uneven cooking and potential burning.

Steer Clear of Burgers

Image Credit: Pexels / Marcia Salido

Burgers can be tricky to cook in an air fryer, especially if they’re thick.

Why Not? Thick burgers might cook unevenly, with the outside burning while the inside remains undercooked.

Avoid Cooking Multiple Layers

Image Credit: Pexels / Dzenina Lukac

Thinking of cooking a big batch of fries? Not so fast.

Why Not? Overcrowding the air fryer basket can lead to uneven cooking. It’s better to cook in smaller batches for the best results.

Stay Away from Overly Greasy Foods

Image Credit: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch

Foods that are already high in fat, like bacon, can cause problems in the air fryer.

Why Not? The excess grease can create smoke and potentially catch fire, making it a safety hazard.

Avoid the Mess

Image Credit: Pexels / Klaus Nielsen

While the air fryer is a versatile and convenient kitchen gadget, it’s important to know its limitations. Avoiding these foods will help ensure your cooking is safe, efficient, and delicious. Stick to air fryer-friendly recipes for the best results, and enjoy your healthy, crispy meals without the hassle.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / rafa jodar.

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