Jicama Vs Potato: Do You Know These Differences?

Jicama Vs Potato

Nowadays, there are still some people who confuse jicama vs potato because of their brown skin appearance. But actually, these two types of root vegetables possess entirely different characteristics, such as shape, nutritional value, and cooking requirements.

In this informative article, we will help you distinguish the two types of tubers above. So make sure you don’t have this confusion next time.

Quick Facts


  • Shape: oval-shaped
  • Nutritional value: fewer calories
  • Cooking requirements: raw or cooked


  • Shape: round, oval and long-shaped
  • Nutritional value: more calories
  • Cooking requirements: cooked

Jicama Vs Potato: 3 Main Differences


Jicama is a root vegetable related to legumes, appearing to be the oval-shaped and upper weight of 1-5 pounds. Its skin is thick, brown, and flesh is white. The taste is similar to fresh potatoes but crisper and sweeter.

Meanwhile, potatoes come in many different shapes, such as round, oval and long-shaped. A medium one weighs between 5-10 ounces (the size and weight vary on the variety). Also, its skin is thin and can be yellow, white, or even purple.

Nutritional value

Potatoes have much more calories than jicama – 77 kcal compared to 38 kcal per 100g – and also more nutritional value, including vitamins and minerals. We have compared several nutrient ratios in 100g of each to make a more accurate assessment:

Jicama (100g) Potato (100g)
Calories 38 kcal 77 kcal
Fiber 4.9g 2.1g
Carbohydrate 8.82g 17.49g
Fat 0.09g 0.1g
Protein 0.72g 2.05g

Cooking requirements

There are many ways to prepare jicama. You can even eat it raw (after cleaning) without worrying about any harm. 

As for potatoes, there are many delicious dishes made from this root, but above all, they cannot be eaten raw. Instead, you can boil, steam, fry, stir-fry, stew, bake as you like to create excellent, nutritious dishes.

Does Jicama Taste Like A Potato?

No. Typically, the taste of jicama is a sweeter version of a potato. Its flesh is white, crispy, sweet, and succulent, resembling apples and pears. On the other hand, unprocessed potatoes seem tasteless.

How Is Jicama Pronounced?

There are two ways to pronounce jicama /ˈhiːkəmə/: “HEE-ka-ma” or “HICK-a-ma.” It is also known as “yam bean,” which is native to the Mexican peninsula.

What Can I Do With Jicama?

Jicama is usually eaten raw with a salad. However, there are still some other ways to prepare it, such as pickled, stewed,  boiled, stir-fried, steamed, sautéed. A small note is that you should not overcook to keep its crisp, sweet taste.

Although it has many nutrients, the roots, skin, stems, and leaves have toxic properties.

If you’re interested, refer to the delicious recipe below to make shrimp and Jicama Rolls with peanut sauce:

Preparation: (For 10 rolls)

For the rolls:

  • 2 ounces rice thread noodles
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ carrot
  • 4 ounces jicama
  • 10 large fresh mint leaves
  • 1 pound cooked shrimp
  • 10 large rice-paper wrappers (about 8 inches round)

For the sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons rice or cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • ¼ cup apricot jam
  • ¼ cup peanut butter

Cooking process 

  • Soak the noodles in hot water for about 5 minutes, then remove and drain.
  • Peel the cucumber, cut it into thin and long slices.
  • Shredded carrots.
  • Boiled shrimp, remove the shell.
  • Jicama, cut into medium-thin slices, thinly sliced.
  • Rice-paper wrappers soak in warm water until soft and spread out on a flat surface. Add noodles, cucumber, jicama, shrimp, and mint, respectively. Then roll it uptight. Remember to fold the two ends to prevent the kernel from falling out.
  • Do the same with the rest. So you have a healthy and delicious meal.

Why Does Jicama Have Wax?

Jicama is usually covered with a layer of paraffin wax to help it keep fresh for about five months and avoid scratches during transportation. When using it for cooking, you must eradicate the outer skin before you can start cooking.

Does Potato Make You Fat?

Not only you, but many people think that potato is one of the foods that can lead to weight gain. However, this viewpoint is not necessarily correct. 

Potatoes can make thin people fat, but they can also help fat people lose weight effectively. However, you must use them properly, combined with other foods that harmoniously and appropriately lose weight.

In Steele’s diet (only white potatoes are allowed), Tim Steele laid out seven basic rules, as also mentioned in his book “The Potato Hack: Weight Loss Simplified”.

  • Rule 1: Cooked potatoes are only eaten for three to five days
  • Rule 2: As a general rule, eat 0.9–2.3 kg per day.
  • Rule 3: Do not eat foods other than potatoes, including condiments and toppings, such as ketchup, butter, sour cream, and cheese.
  • Rule 4: Salt may not affect weight much, but you should avoid using salt in food preparation.
  • Rule 5: When thirsty, you should only drink water, plain tea, or black coffee.
  • Rule 6: Do not do heavy exercise. Instead, apply gentle exercise and walk.
  • Rule 7: Take common medications as directed by your doctor, but you should limit your use of over-the-counter supplements.

What is the nutritional value of jicama?

Jicama is a high-fiber vegetable that is low in calories and carbohydrates.

One cup of jicama contains only 42 calories and 10 grams of carbohydrates. Jicama is also a good source of vitamin C, with one cup providing 57 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Jicama is also a good source of potassium, with one cup providing 9 percent of the daily recommended intake.

What are some jicama recipes?

There are many jicama recipes that you can try.

Some easy jicama recipes include jicama fries, jicama slaw, and jicama salsa. Jicama fries are a great alternative to French fries and can be made by cutting jicama into thin strips, spraying them with cooking spray, and then baking them in the oven.

Jicama slaw is a healthy alternative to traditional coleslaw and can be made by mixing shredded jicama with vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Jicama salsa is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional salsa and can be made by mixing chopped jicama with tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and chili powder.

How to store jicama?

Jicama should be stored in a cool, dry place. Jicama will keep for up to two weeks when stored this way. If jicama is stored in the refrigerator, it will keep for up to four weeks.

Can you eat the skin of jicama?

No, the skin of jicama should not be eaten. The skin is tough and fibrous and is not edible.

What are some ways to prepare jicama?

Some ways to prepare jicama include slicing it into thin strips and eating it raw, chopping it into small pieces and adding it to salads or stir-fries, or grating it and using it in place of carrots in recipes. Jicama is also a great ingredient in smoothies.

Is jicama gluten-free?

Yes, jicama is gluten-free.

Jicama is a high-fiber vegetable that is low in calories and carbohydrates.

One cup of jicama contains only 42 calories and 10 grams of carbohydrates. Jicama is also a good source of vitamin C, with one cup providing 57 percent of the daily recommended intake.

What are the health benefits of potatoes?

The health benefits of potatoes are many.

They are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. Potatoes are also low in calories and fat, making them a healthy food choice. Additionally, potatoes may help to regulate blood sugar levels and have anti-inflammatory properties.

What types of potatoes are there?

There are several types of potatoes available on the market, including red potatoes, white potatoes, and Yukon gold potatoes. Each type of potato has a different flavor and texture.

For example, red potatoes are firmer and have a slightly waxy texture, while white potatoes are softer and have a more floury texture. Yukon gold potatoes are a cross between red and white potatoes and have a smooth, buttery texture.

What is the best way to cook potatoes?

The best way to cook potatoes is by boiling them. This is the simplest and most common way to cook them. Potatoes can also be roasted, mashed, or used in soups and stews.

How do you store potatoes?

Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dry place. They should not be refrigerated, as this will cause them to spoil. Potatoes can be stored for up to two weeks if they are kept in a cool, dark place.

Are potatoes a good source of nutrition?

Yes, potatoes are a good source of nutrition. They are a source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. Potatoes are also low in calories and fat, making them a healthy food choice. Additionally, potatoes may help to regulate blood sugar levels and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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