Empanadas Vs Arepas: What Are the Differences?

empanadas vs arepas

Do you know the difference between empanadas and arepas?

If not, you’re in for a treat.

Empanadas and arepas are both Latin American dishes, but they have some distinct differences.

In this blog post, I’ll explain the differences between these two dishes, as well as give you a few recipes so you can try them out for yourself.

So, what are you waiting for?

Read on to learn more about the topic of empanadas vs arepas.

Read more: Egg Substitute For Funnel Cake



Empanadas are thought to have originated in Spain, and they are popular in many Latin American countries.

Empanadas are made by folding a dough or bread dough around a filling, which can be anything from meat to vegetables to fruit.

They are then baked or fried.

What do they look like?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHsmRoHE7K0[/embedyt]

Empanadas can vary in size and shape, but they are typically round and about the size of a small plate.

The dough is usually flaky or crumble, and the filling is usually visible through the dough.


The main ingredients in empanadas are dough and filling.

The dough can be made from flour, salt, water, and oil, while the filling can be made from any number of ingredients.

Common fillings include meat, cheese, vegetables, and fruit.

How to make them?

To make empanadas, you will need to make the dough first.

Then, you will need to add your desired filling to the dough and shape it into a ball.

Next, you will need to flatten the ball of dough and fill it with the filling.

Finally, you will need to bake or fry the empanadas.

What do they taste like?

Empanadas can have a variety of different flavors, depending on the filling.

However, they are typically savory with a slightly sweet taste.

An easy empanada recipe

Here is an easy empanada recipe that you can try at home:


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • 4-6 tablespoons water
  • Filling of your choice (meat, cheese, vegetables, etc.)


  • Combine the flour and salt in a bowl.
  • Add the oil and water and mix until the dough forms a ball.
  • Place the dough on a floured surface and knead for a few minutes.
  • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Cut the dough into 12-15 pieces and shape them into balls.
  • Flatten each ball of dough and fill it with your desired filling.
  • Seal the edges of the dough by pressing them together with a fork.
  • Place the empanadas on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • Serve warm with your favorite dipping sauce.

What not to do when making empanadas?

Do not overfill the empanadas: This will make them difficult to seal and can cause them to burst open during cooking.

Do not use too much fat in the filling: This will make the empanadas greasy and can cause them to become soggy.

Do not use tough dough: This will make the empanadas difficult to eat.

Do not overbake the empanadas: This will make them dry and crusty.

Do not store the empanadas in the fridge: This will cause them to become soggy.



When talking about arepas, it’s important to note that there are two types: corn and cheese.

Corn arepas are the more traditional type, while cheese arepas are a newer invention.

Cheese arepas were created in the 1970s by a chef who was looking for a way to use up excess cheese.

Arepas originated in Venezuela, and they are now popular in many Latin American countries.

What do they look like?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbvh5XaBpJk[/embedyt]

Arepas are typically made from corn flour and can be either round or square.

They are about the size of a dinner roll, and they have a smooth and slightly chewy texture.


The main ingredients in arepas are corn flour, water, and salt.

You can also add butter, oil, or cheese to the dough for extra flavor.

How to make them?

To make arepas, you will need to combine cornflour, water, and salt in a bowl and mix until the dough forms a ball.

Then, you will need to knead the dough for a few minutes.

After that, you will need to form the dough into small balls and flatten them into discs.

Next, you will need to cook the arepas in a hot pan until they are golden brown on both sides.

Finally, you will need to serve the arepas warm with your favorite toppings.

What do they taste like?

Arepas have a slightly sweet and corn-like flavor.

They are often served with savory toppings, such as meats, cheeses, or vegetables.

An easy arepa recipe

Here is an easy arepa recipe that you can try at home:


  • 1 cup cornflour
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  • Combine the cornflour, water, and salt in a bowl and mix until the dough forms a ball.
  • Knead the dough for a few minutes.
  • Form the dough into small balls and flatten them into discs.
  • Cook the arepas in a hot pan until they are golden brown on both sides.
  • Serve warm with your favorite toppings.

What not to do when making arepas?

To make the best arepas, avoid these common mistakes.

Not soaking the cornmeal: Soaking the cornmeal in water for a few hours (or even overnight) helps to soften it and makes for a more tender arepa.

Not using fresh cornmeal: Try to use fresh cornmeal rather than old or stale cornmeal for the best flavor and texture.

Not adding salt: Salt is an essential ingredient in arepas and helps to bring out the flavor of the corn.

Making them too thick: Arepas should be thin and crispy on the outside, and soft and fluffy on the inside.

Frying them instead of baking them: Arepas can be fried, but they are traditionally baked.

Baking them gives them a more consistent texture and flavor.

Not using the right type of cornmeal: Arepas are traditionally made with white or yellow pre-cooked cornmeal.

However, you can also use blue or purple cornmeal for a more colorful dish.

Not serving them warm: Arepas are best served warm, straight out of the oven or off the stove.

Not topping them with anything: Arepas are usually topped with cheese, avocado, or other fillings, but they can also be enjoyed plain.

Which one tastes better?

empanadas vs arepas

It really depends on your preference.

Some people prefer the taste of arepas, while others prefer the taste of empanadas.

Ultimately, it comes down to what you like.

Personally, I like the taste of empanadas better, because I think the dough is more flavorful.

However, some people might prefer the taste of arepas because they find corn flour to be blander.

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.

Which one is healthier?

Again, this depends on your preference.

Arepas are typically made from corn flour, which is a whole grain.

Empanadas, on the other hand, can be made with a variety of different fillings, some of which may not be as healthy as a corn flour.

That being said, it really depends on what you put in your empanada.

If you fill it with healthy ingredients, then it can be just as healthy as an arepa.

Empanadas vs arepas: the final verdict?

Empanadas and arepas are both delicious, and it really comes down to personal preference.

If you like the taste of cornflour, then you might prefer the taste of arepas.

If you like the taste of dough, then you might prefer the taste of empanadas.

However, both arepas and empanadas are healthy, so you can’t go wrong with either one.

Tamara Pierce

Tamara Pierce is a food writer at Elapasony, passionate about exploring diverse cuisines and sharing recipes and food experiences. From trendy restaurants to local hotspots, she's always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors.

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