Tips From a Food Inspector on Choosing Safe Restaurants

Choosing a safe restaurant is more important than ever. Here are some insider tips from a food inspector to help you make the best choice.

Check Those Inspection Scores

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Most local health departments publish restaurant inspection scores online. Look for restaurants with high scores and minimal violations. Consistently high scores indicate a commitment to food safety and hygiene. Do your homework before you dine.

Observe Cleanliness

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When you walk into a restaurant, take a moment to observe the cleanliness. Check the floors, tables, and restrooms. A clean dining area usually means a clean kitchen. Trust your instincts—if it looks dirty, it probably is.

Watch the Staff

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Pay attention to the staff. Are they wearing gloves when handling food? Are their uniforms clean? Do they practice good hygiene? These are all signs of a well-managed establishment. Hygiene is a must!

Smell Test

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Take a sniff. Does the restaurant smell clean and inviting, or are there unpleasant odors? Bad smells can be a sign of poor sanitation practices. If it smells off, walk away.

Look at the Menu

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A menu with too many options can be a red flag. It’s hard to maintain fresh ingredients for a vast number of dishes. Stick to places with smaller, focused menus that likely use fresher ingredients. Quality over quantity.

Kitchen Views

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If possible, take a peek into the kitchen. Many modern restaurants have open kitchens where you can see the staff at work. A tidy kitchen is a good indicator of food safety. Transparency is key.

Ask Questions

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Don’t be afraid to ask questions about food sourcing and preparation. Knowledgeable staff should be able to answer your queries confidently. If they seem unsure, it might be best to dine elsewhere. Your health matters.

Online Reviews

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Thapana_Studio

Check online reviews, but take them with a grain of salt. Look for patterns in the comments. Consistent complaints about cleanliness or foodborne illnesses are serious red flags. Do your research.

Trust Your Gut

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Finally, trust your gut. If something feels off, it’s better to err on the side of caution. There are plenty of restaurants out there, so don’t settle for one that makes you uneasy. Better safe than sorry.

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