Boomers and Their Craziest Trends: 20 Times They Changed the Game

Baby Boomers experienced a variety of unique and sometimes questionable lifestyle trends, especially in areas like child rearing, medical practices, home remedies, travel, and transport. These trends not only shaped their lives but also evoke nostalgia and sometimes disbelief about what was once considered normal.

1. Lead-Based Paint

Image Credit: Shutterstock / captureandcompose

Widely used in homes until the late 1970s, lead-based paint was a common but hazardous decorating choice, later found to cause numerous health problems in children.

2. Asbestos Insulation

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tunatura

Asbestos was a popular insulation material for its fire-resistant properties, only for Boomers to later learn about its severe risks to lung health.

3. No Seatbelts in Cars

Image Credit: Pexels / Mike Bird

Seatbelts weren’t a standard or mandatory feature in vehicles until the late 1960s, meaning many Boomers grew up traveling without any restraints.

4. Smoking Everywhere

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

Smoking was ubiquitous and socially acceptable, even in enclosed public spaces like airplanes and medical facilities, reflecting a stark contrast to today’s public health standards.

5. Frequent Sunbathing Without Sunscreen

Image Credit: Shutterstock / KaryB

Sunbathing without protection was the norm, long before the awareness of skin cancer risks associated with UV exposure became widespread.

6. Cold War Drills

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jaboo2foto

Boomers often participated in duck-and-cover drills at school, a regular reminder of the nuclear threat during the Cold War era.

7. Cough Syrup with Codeine for Children

Image Credit: Shutterstock / i viewfinder

It was not uncommon for children to be given cough syrup containing codeine or other now-controlled substances to treat minor coughs and colds.

8. Use of Mercury in Thermometers

Image Credit: Pexels / Maksim Goncharenok

Mercury thermometers were standard in homes and hospitals, despite the toxic risk mercury posed if the glass broke.

9. Lax Car Seat Regulations

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Anastasiia Fedorova

Child car seats were not only rare but also poorly designed by today’s standards, providing minimal protection in the event of a crash.

10. Hitchhiking as a Norm

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Playing Simon

Hitchhiking was a popular and socially accepted mode of transport for young people, despite the risks that are more emphasized today.

11. Heavy Metal Toys

Image Credit: Pexels / LJ

Toys were often made from heavy metals and other hazardous materials without safety regulations, leading to safety hazards.

12. Public Drinking Fountains

Image Credit: Pexels / Jan van der Wolf

The widespread use of public drinking fountains without concern for hygiene or water quality reflects a less health-conscious era.

13. Air Travel Dress Codes

Image Credit: Pexels / Victor Freitas

Flying often required formal attire, reflecting a time when air travel was considered a luxury experience.

14. Household DIY Repairs with Toxic Materials

Image Credit: Shutterstock / adriaticfoto

DIY home repairs often involved materials like lead paint and asbestos without awareness of the health risks.

15. Raw Egg Consumption

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nishihama

Consuming raw eggs in various foods and beverages was common, long before salmonella risks were widely acknowledged.

16. Manual Labor as Child Play

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sergii Kumer

Children often engaged in manual labor as part of family chores or farm work, a stark contrast to today’s child labor laws.

17. Saturated Fat Consumption

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Goskova Tatiana

Diets high in saturated fats were the norm without the knowledge of heart disease risks associated with poor dietary choices.

18. Over-the-Counter Amphetamines

Image Credit: Shutterstock / – Yuri A

Amphetamines were readily available over the counter for weight loss or as energy boosters, used without much oversight.

19. Travel Without Security Checks

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Olena Yakobchuk

Traveling often involved minimal security, particularly in airports, where passengers could arrive minutes before a flight without the need for lengthy security checks.

20. Cassette Tapes in Cars

Image Credit: Pexels / Suzy Hazelwood

Boomers saw the rise and fall of cassette tapes as a primary medium for music in cars, complete with the frustration of tangled tape ribbons.

Still Standing

Image Credit: Pexels / Helena Lopes

From home hazards to health missteps, Baby Boomers have lived through an array of practices that seem almost unthinkable today. These trends not only illustrate how far we’ve come in terms of safety and awareness but also highlight the resilience and adaptability of a generation that managed to navigate through them.

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Featured Image Credit: Pexels / SHVETS production.

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